2024年7月27日 星期六

Put your money where your mouth is 說到做到

1. You keep saying you want to study abroad, so it's time to put your money where your mouth is and study every single day.

2. If the company truly values innovation, they need to put their money where their mouth is and fund more research and development projects.

2024年7月12日 星期五

2024年7月10日 星期三


1. Listening to Taylor Swift's music has a positive effect on my mood, lifting my spirits whenever I feel down.

2. Practicing meditation has a positive effect on emotional resilience and mental clarity.

2024年6月28日 星期五

雅思常考單字 outweigh

1. The benefits of the new technology outweigh any potential drawbacks.

2. The advantages of the proposed policy outweigh its potential disadvantages.

2024年6月26日 星期三

雅思文法:所有格 possessive

1. Students' dedication to their schoolwork often determines their academic success.

2. Balancing students' social lives with their schoolwork can be challenging.

2024年5月3日 星期五

Apple sees the biggest fall in nearly all countries

Reading comprehension questions for this article:

1. What were the main reasons behind Apple's decline in sales?

雅思 超級I人的一戰雅思7.5


L 8.5  R 8.5  W 7.0  S 6.5   Overall 7.5 
背景: 學校課業繁忙+外務多,超過兩年沒念英文(我英文底子真的沒很好)。嚴重拖延症,因為害怕考試,遲遲沒行動。在網站上爬文對雅思有一點概念,但抽不出時間練習寫作和口說,自己準備也沒頭緒,乾脆找Sandra雅思小魔女幫我統整。

2024年4月20日 星期六

雅思 一個月雅思上岸6.5寫作6.5


2023/8月 S 5.5 / L 5.5 / R 5.5 / W 5.5 Overall 5.5 雅思第二戰
2024/1月 S 6 / L 7 / R 7 / W 6.5 Overall 6.5