直接選擇出國唸語言學校真好,語校要求門檻不高,無須費力準備留學考試,念語校等於直接入學,很少人被當掉,可以提前適應環境,又可以上EAP(English for Academic Purpose)學術英語課程,簡直是無縫接軌的人生,How nice!
3.交了作業,卻滿是文法問題,不切題不對文 。
8. 英文不夠好,難跟當地人競爭,即使有學生簽,有面試機會,也還是沒辦法在當地找到心儀的工作。
你現在靜下心來仔細想想,這真的是你想得到的學習嗎? 這樣真的有出國念書的價值嗎?
1. Students who fail to reach their minimum IELTS test requirements may face several obstacles when studying abroad. They may have difficulty understanding and communicating with others, which can impact their ability to form relationships with classmates, professors, and local residents, both inside and outside the classroom.
2. Students who struggle with English may also have difficulty keeping up with coursework and assignments, especially in subjects that require extensive reading, writing, and analysis. This can result in lower grades and a lack of engagement in class.
3. Culture shock: Students who are not proficient in English may experience greater culture shock when studying abroad, as they may find it difficult to understand cultural norms and customs. This can impact their ability to adapt to a new environment and feel comfortable in their surroundings.
4. There is no guarantee that students who fail to reach their IELTS test minimum requirement will pass the exam after taking pre-sessional English courses, and if they do not pass, they may not be able to obtain their master's degree.
Therefore, it is important for students to be prepared and proficient in English language skills before studying abroad to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience. This can be achieved through tailored English instruction provided by reputable language schools or tutors who can provide tailored instruction to improve their English proficiency before studying abroad.