2020年5月27日 星期三

Peppa pig - bicycles 佩佩豬學腳踏車

Peppa 太幸運了, 只撞壞老爸的南瓜
如果在馬路上很容易不小心就撞到百萬名車, 記得要買第三責任險+超跑險😆

👉Netflix直接看(第一季 第三集 13:50)


What difficulties do people encounter when riding a bike?

1. Navigating through traffic can be difficult and intimidating.

2. Steep hills can be physically demanding and tough to climb.

3. Riding in adverse weather conditions, like rain or strong wind, can make cycling harder.

4. Finding safe routes with bike lanes or less traffic can be a struggle in some areas.