2022年3月24日 星期四

Headspace 冥想正念手冊 gratitude

Andy Puddicombe有多重身分 - 作家/演說家/冥想老師也是Headspace共同創辦人。


How to fall in love with life again?

What are your everyday nuisances?

1. What are some practical strategies suggested for cultivating a sense of gratitude in one's daily life?

2. How does the text emphasize the importance of gratitude as a means to enhance happiness, strengthen relationships, and promote a calmer state of mind?

3. Have you ever found yourself getting too caught up in our everyday problems?

4. Meditation provides us with an opportunity to pause, calm the mind, and allow thoughts to come and go without judgment.

👉Netflix 冥想正念手冊 第3集 如何愛上生活👈