2023年7月13日 星期四

雅思易混淆單字 adopt adapt


動詞 「adopt」在雅思考試裡常用的意思是 「採用,選用」


1. Sandra decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis.

2. In order to protect the environment, we should adopt a sustainable approach to energy consumption.

3. Our company decided to adopt a new strategy that promotes flexible work hours.


動詞 「adapt」 的後面通常需要加介係詞 「to」,表示「某人適應或熟悉新的環境」。


1. Children often find it challenging to adapt to a new school environment.

2. When starting a new job, it can take a while to adapt to the company's work culture.

3. It is difficult to adapt to a new culture, especially when you have difficulty communicating with local residents in a foreign country.